J1 Agriculture Internship in USA by Experience International (EI)

Agriculture Internship Program in USA by Experience International

Konsultan Visa has partnership with EI are proud to present The J1 Agriculture Paid Internship Programs

Overview of Experience International’s J1 Exchange Visitor Program

J1 Exchange Visitor Program

The J1 Exchange Visitor (EV) Program was enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1961 through passage of The Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act. Its purpose is to increase understanding and cooperation between U.S. citizens and those of foreign nations. It enables foreign nationals to enter the United States on a J-1 visa in order to participate in pre-approved educational, training, and cultural activities.


  • You must have English language skills sufficient to easily function on a day-to-day basis at your training environment.

  • You must come with the intent to learn, grow, train, and engage in the activities agreed to and then return home upon completion of the program. The purpose is to gain new skills and not merely repeat what you have previously mastered.

  • Your internship/training must be related to your education/degree/career.

  • You must apply for the program from outside of the U.S.

  • You must not have acquired the internship/training through, or been recruited through, a 3rd party staffing or employment agency.

  • Your degree, education and/or experience that qualifies you for the program must have taken place outside of the U.S.


Are currently enrolled in a foreign, ministerially recognized, post-secondary academic educational institution OR

Have graduated from such institutions within the past 12 months and begin their J-1 Program in the U.S. within those 12 months.


Must have a post-secondary degree and at least one year of full-time equivalent experience in their career field OR

Have five full-time equivalent years of professional work experience in their career field.

Length of Program

The maximum length of time for an Intern is 12 months and for a Trainee is 18 months. However, all agricultural programs are limited to 12 months.


The J-1 Program prohibits unskilled labor, any direct clinical care/treatment of people or animals, and training that is more than 20% clerical.


Program extensions up to the maximum time allowed by regulations are considered on a case-by-case basis. See J-1 Exchange Visitor Fees for costs involved.


Certain EVs are subject to a two-year home country residence requirement (212e) upon completion of their J-1 Program. This applies to Visitors who receive home government funding, U.S. government funding, or have an expertise that is considered an essential skill by their home country.

  • EVs subject to this rule must return home or to their country of last legal residence for an aggregate of two years upon completion of their program before applying for an immigrant visa, permanent residence, K visa, H visa, or L visa to the U.S.

  • This requirement does not prohibit a visitor from returning to the U.S. (sooner than two years) as a tourist or student, or under other visas not mentioned above.

  • This requirement doesn’t mean the EV has to stay in their home country for two years after the training, it simply limits the types of U.S. visas the EV can apply for until the 212e requirement is fulfilled.

Additional J-1 Programs

It is common to confuse 212(e) (above) with the two-year gap requirement that applies to most Trainees and Interns.

  • Trainees are eligible for additional J-1 training/internship programs after a period of at least two years’ residency outside the U.S. following completion of their program.

  • Interns who no longer meet the criteria of an Intern also must reside outside of the U.S. for at least two years prior to participation in a J-1 training program.

  • The only EVs who can return to the U.S. as a J-1 Intern/Trainee sooner than two years are Interns who still qualify as an Intern (see above). They also must have completed another term of study, or advanced to a higher degree level, before returning to the U.S.

  • Anytime a J-1 program is repeated, it must be more advanced and/or address very different training objectives. It may not be a continuation of the previous internship.

Experience International (EI) Role

EI provides support to both the EV and Host from pre-arrival to post-departure. Our role includes:

  • Sponsorship, as required for all J-1 Visa holders.

  • Screening and vetting both the EV and Host, including proof that the Host possesses Worker’s Compensation or a valid exemption.

  • Ensuring the EV and Host meet the J-1 Visa Program Federal Regulations and comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act.

  • Assistance with the paperwork associated with the J-1 Visa application and creation of all required documents to obtain the J-1 Visa.

  • Collaboration with Host to formulate a training plan, and creation of the DS7002 (formal Training/Internship Placement Plan) required to apply for the J-1 Visa.

  • Creation of the DS2019 (Certificate of Eligibility) required to apply for the J-1 Visa.

  • Providing Orientation Manual before arrival in U.S. along with a detailed budget spreadsheet to plan for expenses.

  • Providing Video-Skype Orientation within a few weeks of arrival to include information about reports, Social Security number

  • Ongoing support, monitoring, and assistance during the program including serving as an information resource and assisting in resolution of problems that may arise.

  • 24-hour emergency line and support.

  • Conducting site visits in accordance with J-1 Federal Regulations to ensure that hosts possess the resources necessary to provide guided and work-based learning experiences.

  • Review of and tracking of mandatory reports.

  • Enrollment in insurance and guidance should the EV need treatment while in the U.S.

  • Departure information and support.

  • Documentation verifying internship completion if required for home country college.

  • Final Certificate of Completion and Letter of Acknowledgement.

Timeline and Steps

Time from Application to Arrival depends on how long EV and Host take to complete their necessary documents, but generally takes at least eight weeks.


  • EV and Host applications are completed and sent to EI, along with supporting documents outlined in applications.
  • Screenings/information calls are arranged and references checked.
  • Host completes/verifies placement details (wage, hours, benefits) and training outline.
  • EI emails formal Confirmation of Placement (contract based on placement details) and DS7002 (based on training outline) documents to Host and EV to sign.
  • EV pays EI Program Fees and other costs, unless covered by Host.
  • EI issues DS2019 & DS7002 forms in visa packet to EV by express courier.
  • EV applies for Visa online, pays Visa fee to U.S. government, and sets up interview appointment at U.S. embassy/consulate (wait time for an appointment can be anywhere between a few days and a few weeks. Information available at Visa Wait Times).

    Note: Canadian citizens do not need to have an interview or apply for a visa.

  • EV completes interview at U.S. embassy/consulate and is granted Visa (processing times vary and it will be at least a few days before passport with Visa arrive in the mail).
  • EV may then purchase flight to go to U.S.

Prospective Agricultural Placements in the USA

Beef Cattle & Hay Production (Produksi Ternak Sapi & Jerami)

Beef Cattle & Hay Production

  • WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Students and graduates of the faculty of animal husbandry with at least one year of experience.
  • LENGTH OF PROGRAM/DURATION: April - October or 12 months.
  • AGE: 18 - 30 years.
  • HOUSING: Yes, housing provided.
  • COST: U$ 3,535 (including Program Fee, Health & Travel Insurance, Admin Fee & Host Placement).
  • SALARY/WAGE: U$ 13/hour, 40 - 50 hours/week.
  • PLACE: Oregon, USA.

Culinary Herb Farm (Perkebunan Tanaman Bumbu Masak)

Culinary Herb Farm

  • WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Students and graduates of the faculty of agriculture with at least one year of experience.
  • AGE: 18 - 30 years.
  • HOUSING: Yes, housing provided for U$ 150/month.
  • COST: U$ 3,535 (including Program Fee, Health & Travel Insurance, Admin Fee & Host Placement).
  • SALARY/WAGE: U$ 11/hour.
  • PLACE: Hawaii, USA.

Custom Harvesting (Penuaian/Panen)

Custom Harvesting

  • WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Students and graduates of the faculty of agriculture with at least one year of experience.
  • LENGTH OF PROGRAM/DURATION: March - November or 12 months.
  • AGE: 18 - 30 years.
  • HOUSING: Yes, housing provided.
  • COST: U$ 3,535 (including Program Fee, Health & Travel Insurance, Admin Fee & Host Placement).
  • SALARY/WAGE: U$ 500/week, 50 - 60 hours/week.
  • PLACE: California, USA.

Dairy (Perusahaan Susu Sapi)


  • WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Students and graduates of the faculty of animal husbandry with at least one year of experience.
  • LENGTH OF PROGRAM/DURATION: 6 - 12 months.
  • AGE: 18 - 30 years.
  • HOUSING: Yes, housing provided.
  • COST: U$ 3,535 (including Program Fee, Health & Travel Insurance, Admin Fee & Host Placement).
  • SALARY/WAGE: U$ 2,400/month, up to 60 hours/week.
  • PLACE: Texas, USA.

Equine Care (Perawatan Kuda)

Equine Care

  • WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Students and graduates of the faculty of animal husbandry with at least one year of experience.
  • LENGTH OF PROGRAM/DURATION: 3 - 12 months.
  • AGE: 18 - 30 years.
  • HOUSING: Yes, housing provided.
  • COST: U$ 3,535 (including Program Fee, Health & Travel Insurance, Admin Fee & Host Placement).
  • SALARY/WAGE: U$ 450/week.
  • PLACE: Florida and/or New Jersey, USA.

Greenhouse (Rumah Kaca)


  • WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Students and graduates of the faculty of agriculture with at least one year of experience.
  • LENGTH OF PROGRAM/DURATION: 3 - 12 months.
  • AGE: 18 - 30 years.
  • HOUSING: Yes, housing provided for U$ 500/month.
  • COST: U$ 3,535 (including Program Fee, Health & Travel Insurance, Admin Fee & Host Placement).
  • SALARY/WAGE: U$ 14/hour.
  • PLACE: California, USA.

Swine Farm (Peternakan Babi)

Swine Farm

  • WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Students and graduates of the faculty of animal husbandry with at least one year of experience.
  • AGE: 18 - 30 years.
  • HOUSING: Yes, housing provided for U$ 150/month.
  • COST: U$ 3,535 (including Program Fee, Health & Travel Insurance, Admin Fee & Host Placement).
  • SALARY/WAGE: U$ 10.30/hour, 45 hours/week.
  • PLACE: Missouri, USA.

Horticultural Research Organization (Organisasi Penelitian Ilmu Perkebunan)

Horticultural Research Organization

  • WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Students and graduates of the faculty of agriculture with at least one year of experience.
  • LENGTH OF PROGRAM/DURATION: Up to 12 months.
  • AGE: 18 - 30 years.
  • HOUSING: Yes, housing provided for U$ 400/month.
  • COST: U$ 3,535 (including Program Fee, Health & Travel Insurance, Admin Fee & Host Placement).
  • SALARY/WAGE: U$ 11.50/hour.
  • PLACE: Washington, USA.

Wine Program (Program Minuman Anggur)

Wine Program

  • WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Students and graduates of viticulture/enology programs with at least one vintage experience.
  • LENGTH OF PROGRAM/DURATION: Up to 12 months.
  • AGE: 18 - 30 years.
  • HOUSING: Yes, housing provided.
  • COST: U$ 3,535 (including Program Fee, Health & Travel Insurance, Admin Fee & Host Placement).
  • SALARY/WAGE: U$ 10.16/hour.
  • PLACE: Washington, Oregon, California, USA