Schengen Visitor/Tourist Visa

Visitor visa or tourist visa is a nonimmigrant visa that allows people to temporarily enter Schengen Countries for tourism or family visit purpose.

No.List of Schengen CountryNoList of Schengen Country
5.Czech Republic19.Malta

What you can and cannot do with Schengen visitor/tourist visa

if you are holding a visitor visa you may do these

  • Visit the country of the visa
  • Visit friend or family
  • Visit tourist spot
  • Takes short courses
  • Attend business meeting

And this are the things you are not allowed to do if you only hold a visitor visa

  • Working
  • Take long courses

this may varies depending on the countries, you may need to read the regulations of each country.

What do you need and how to apply?

Below are the required documents to apply for Schengen Visitor/Tourist Visa.

1.PassportMust be active for at least 6 month from the day of your visit
2.National ID CardIf the person is below the legal age, this is not required
3.Birth Certificate-
4.Family Card-
5.Marriage CertificateRequired if available
6.Picture of yourselfbackground should be white, 3.5x4.5cm
7.Bank Statementat least for the latest 3 month
8.Bank Referencethis is a letter from your bank stating that you are their member, since when, and your current bank deposit
9.Flight ticket/BookWe can help you provide this and in fact, the visa fee we requested has included flight book fee too!, however if you have booked the flight or want to book it yourself, it is ok too
10.Hotel BookRequired if you are planning to stay at a hotel in Australia, however if you are staying with your family, this is not required, we can also help you to book the hotel
11.Travel InsuranceFor the same length as your visit duration
12.Letter from CollageIf you are a collage student for bachelor degree, you must attach letter from collage stating you are an active student with stamp and signed by the collage
13.Student CardRequired if you are student
14.Itineraryyour travel plan in Japan
15.Letter from WorkA letter from your office stating when you started to work there, your salary, position and signed by your HR/Employer, not required if you are not working
16.PayslipAt least the last 3 months, required if you are working
17.NPWPRequired if your position is at managerial level or you own a business
18.SIUP/NIBrequired if you own business


Below are the price for Japanese Visitor visa

Visa FeeIDR 1.340.000Paid when doing biometric
VFS Global FeeIDR 300.000-
Konsultan Visa Admin FeeEUR100 (IDR 1.800.000)-
TotalIDR 3.440.000-

However if you are previously have rejection that are not applied from Konsultan Visa, we requires you to pay additional fees IDR500.000. Please do note that this is NOT REFUNDABLE no matter what the result of your visa application is.

How to apply for Schengen Visitor/Tourist Visa in Konsultan Visa?

  1. You need to collect all required documents, and bring it to our office for us to process.
  2. Once the document is collected, we will make an invoice for you to pay.
  3. Send the proof of the payment to us via Email or Whatsapp and we will confirm your payment.
  4. When the payment is confirmed we will process your visa application.
  5. We may contact you if we require additional information.
  6. We will book you a date for biometric (of course we will ask you when you are available to do biometric)
  7. You come to our office to receive visa application documents that we have prepared for you or we sent them over email or Whatsapp for you to print it yourself.
  8. You go to VFS to do biometric on the booked date, we recommend you come a day earlier to know where the biometric process took place and measure how long it would take to get you to the biometric place so you can arrive there at least 15 minutes earlier than the booked time.
  9. You wait for the result of the visa application, during this time your passport will be held by the embassy so make sure you have no plan to go to another country when applying for the Schengen visa.


Please do note that the result of the visa application is solely on the embassy's hand, and we cannot intervene their decision. As such we can always reapply the visa, however once you have rejection history, it will be harder to apply as you need to explain why you were rejected previously and what have you done to fix it.

Please also do note that the biometric processing place can be different for each Schengen country, generally it will be done in Jakarta however for some country they allow you to do the biometric in Bali. Below are the list of the country that allows biometric in Bali :
